307 Athlete

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October 2023

Start with WHY: A Blueprint for Vitality and Longevity

Simon Sinek's groundbreaking book, "Start with Why," has captivated the business world with its profound message about the power of purpose. While primarily aimed at helping organizations and leaders find their purpose, Sinek's philosophy can be applied to almost every aspect of life, including health and wellness. In this article, we'll explore how "Start with Why" relates to the realm of health and wellness, and how it can help individuals live healthier, more fulfilling lives.

The Golden Circle: Why, How, What

Sinek introduces the concept of the Golden Circle, which consists of three concentric circles: Why, How, and What. The Why represents the core purpose and belief, the How defines the process and values, and the What is the tangible product or action. When applied to health and wellness, this framework takes on a new dimension.

1) Start with Why: Finding Your Health Purpose

The "Why" in the context of health and wellness is about discovering your purpose for wanting to be healthy. It's about identifying the underlying motivation that drives your desire to lead a healthier life. For some, it may be the desire to live a long and active life to spend more time with loved ones. For others, it might be the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement. Defining your health "Why" gives you a strong foundation and a sense of direction in your wellness journey.

2) How: Crafting a Holistic Approach

Once you have a clear understanding of your health "Why," it's essential to determine "How" you will achieve your goals. This involves developing a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your values and purpose. It could include a balanced diet, regular group class exercise, stress management, and sufficient sleep. The "How" becomes your roadmap for making sustainable lifestyle changes that support your health and wellness mission.

3) What: Actions and Accountability

The "What" in health and wellness is the tangible actions you take to realize your goals. It includes activities like meal planning, routine class times, meditation practices, and regular health check-ups. These actions are the visible manifestations of your commitment to your health "Why" and your chosen "How." Tracking your progress and being accountable for your actions are vital aspects of the "What."

The Impact on Health and Wellness

Applying the "Start with Why" principle to health and wellness has several profound implications:

  • Sustained Motivation: Starting with your health "Why" provides you with deep and lasting motivation. It's the driving force that keeps you committed, even when facing obstacles or setbacks.

  • Authenticity: Aligning your health goals with your purpose and values leads to authentic, meaningful changes. It's not just about following trends or superficial fixes; it's about making choices that resonate with your true self.

  • Holistic Well-being: Embracing the Golden Circle helps you create a holistic approach to health and wellness. Instead of fixating solely on physical fitness or diet, you consider all aspects of well-being, including mental, emotional, and social health.

  • Long-term Sustainability: A purpose-driven health and wellness journey is more likely to be sustainable over the long term. It's not a short-lived fad but a lifelong commitment to your well-being.

  • Influence on Others: Just as organizations with a clear "Why" attract dedicated followers, individuals with a strong health "Why" can inspire and influence those around them to make positive changes in their lives.

Starting with why offers a powerful framework for individuals seeking to improve their health and wellness. By starting with your health "Why," defining your purpose, developing a holistic approach, and taking actionable steps, you can create lasting and meaningful changes in your well-being. Remember that health is not just about what you do but why you do it, and understanding your "Why" can be the catalyst for a healthier and more fulfilling life. 

Next Steps: Write down your wellness WHY

October Programming

  • 3x weekly Big Lift Strength: Wendler 5-3-1 Bench Press, Deadlift, and Back Squat Cycle (September thru November)

  • 2x weekly commitment to advancing gymnastic pulling skills

  • 1x per week Saturday “Competitor” workout - workouts designed for those weekend warriors looking to compete in a local or regional CrossFit competition. 

Community Highlights/ Announcements

  • Team 307 @ Koda Iron Games - Congrats Effie, Kyree, Andrea, Collin, and Trent! 

  • 307 @ Reps Ahead - Nice work Charlotte, Megan, and Preston

  • No Birthday Bash this year. We are sad to announce we will not be hosting the Birthday Bash internal competition. There are plenty of local and regional events to get excited about below!

  • CrossFit Games announces a new location in 2024…. Fort Worth Texas!

Upcoming Events

    #2307: Oct 23 - Nov 15 - Mon & Wed
    Ages 8-11 (4:30pm) & 12-14 (3:30pm)
    Sign up at 307athlete.com


    • Battle of the Branded One - Littleton, CO - October 7th

    • Zootown Throwdown - Missoula, MT - October 14th 

    • Festivus Games Partner Comp - Caliber Fitness Casper WY - October 21st

    • Best of the West - Carbondale, CO - November 4th

    • Turkey Trot - Casper, WY- November 23rd 

    • Hypoxia - Butte, MO - December 2nd

This website does not provide medical advice. The information provided is purely for educational purposes. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please seek your medical provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.