307 Athlete

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December 2022

Holiday Survival Guide

There are 31 days left until the end of 2022…and most people have given up on their fitness for the rest of the year. They are busy setting ambitious goals, as they just spent the last month inside, cold, without much sun, and eating and drinking more than normal. They feel discontent and sluggish with their bodies and minds, possibly more than any other point throughout the year. This might be where you are at today, if so our goal today is to give you three tools to avoid throwing in the towel, and thrive this holiday season. 

We are not here to tell you to live the next month without enjoying yourself. We do believe that with some intention and planning, you can enjoy your holiday season and still remain on track towards your health and wellness goals. 

Tip #1 Plan Ahead

Write a list of obligations and goals you have now through the holidays. Prioritize this list, rank them in order so you know what takes precedence. Time stamp these tasks with how long these may take you. Schedule and time block your calendar to fit in your tasks, in order of rank or priority. Then all that is left is to execute! 

If a priority to you is your health, you could schedule your workouts for the rest of the month, with exact time, dates, and people involved to keep yourself accountable. This is the difference between being proactive vs. reactive. Living in a state of reaction is like being in constant fight or flight, overly stressed and anxious. 

Example of Weekly Fitness Obligations:
December 5th @12:00 PM CrossFit Class 
December 6th @11:00 AM Personal Training with Scott 
December 7th @4:30 PM CrossFit Class
December 8th @9:00 AM Yoga Class   
December 9th @12:00 PM CrossFit Class
December 10th @9:00 AM Hike on Casper Mountain

Tip #2 Prioritize Quality Foods and Protein Intake

Holiday foods are often highly processed and overloaded with sugar. They are typically caloric dense foods (high in calories but low in nutrients) and low in nutritional density (low in calories but high in nutrients). Our goal is simple, add more nutritional dense foods, and shape our environment to limit caloric dense foods. 

Practical application of supplementing with nutritional dense foods:

  • Stopping at a gas station before travel/ work obligations to fill up on jerky and nuts. 

  • Add collagen protein to your coffee

  • Ordering double portion of protein when dining out at a restaurant with limited choices

  • Go for nutrient dense and high fiber carbohydrates like potatoes > pastries, fruit > cake

  • Adding healthier sides: Asking for a side of steamed vegetables or salad when eating out

Tip #3 Don’t Neglect the Basics

Travel, eating out, and a changing sleep routine can seriously impact your metabolism, digestion, and how you feel and perform. Some small “basic” habits to keep you on track:

  • Hydrate! Drink 20 oz of water upon waking, and every 2-4 hours throughout the day

  • Sunshine, get some morning sunlight to help set your circadian rhythm and promote sleep

  • Sleep as much as you can, focusing on a great environment and quantityStay moving, aim to get 10,000 steps, hit a group class, or get a 20-30 minute workout in 

  • Micronutrients, aim to get in 800 grams of fruits and veggies in most days (1 piece of fruit/ 1 cup of veggies per meal)

This website does not provide medical advice. The information provided is purely for educational purposes. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for medical advice. Please seek your medical provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.

Preview of Programming Focuses this Month

  • Strength Cycle
    Functional Hypertrophy Phase: Increasing volume, lowering load in unilateral stability strength settings 1-2x per week. Keeping 1-2x heavy bilateral lifts progressing off of the last deadlift, front squat, press phase. 1x per week dedicated gymnastic skill development.

    Movements: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats, Single Leg Deadlift, Bench Press 3RM, Squat Clean Complex, Gymnastic Vertical Pulling Skill Development

  • Notable Benchmark Workouts:
    12 Days of Christmas Sweaters, Karen, 10:00 Bike, Cindy, New Years Workout

Community Highlights/ Announcements

  • 12 Days of Christmas Fundraiser! 

    December 16th we will have our annual 12 Days of Christmas workout, with a twist! Starting December 1st-December 16th we will be fundraising canned goods and winter clothing for those in need at Wyoming Rescue Mission. Each item will be worth a certain amount of burpees, and at the end we will tally up the total number of items, and the 307 coaches will perform that many burpees together! Our goal is at least 500. This is a great opportunity to make a positive impact in our local community, and make your “favorite” coaches suffer!!!!

  • New Year Healthy Habits Challenge + Leaderboard

    5 Week Challenge to start the year off with January 2nd- January 30th

    $25 to participate. Weekly challenges, daily accountability tasks, prizes for most consistent. Avoid boredom and stagnation, embrace discomfort, and pursue better health this new year.

  • December Holiday Hours
    December 24th: 7:00 am-12:00 pm
    December 25th: Closed
    December 26th: Normal Hours, No Classes
    December 31st: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
    January 1st: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Turkey Challenge

    307 Athletes representing at the Turkey Challenge in Superior CO on November 19-20th. Great job to all our athletes who showed up and put in the work! Team “Steaks and Cakes” even placed 1st in the RX Division! 

  • Turkey Trot

    307 Members braving the snow and cold on Thanksgiving morning to earn that turkey! 

  • Express Closed + Extended Hours

    Starting January 1st…
    Mon-Fri: 4:30 am- 10:00 pm
    Sat: 7:00 am- 7:00 pm
    Sun: 10:00 am- 6:00 pm

Upcoming Events